Application Details 1. STUDENT DETAILS Title Please Select Miss Ms Mrs Mr Mx Name * First Name Last Name Gender Please Select Male Female Unspecified Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY City of Birth * Email Address * Contact Number * 2. RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS Residential Address * Suburb * State * Post Code * Are you living in NSW social housing; or is your household on the NSW Housing Register? * Yes No 3. EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS (This is required for face to face classroom applications.) Name First Name Last Name Relationship to you Residential Address Email Contact Number 4. CITIZENSHIP DETAILS Please select from list * Please Select Australian citizen Australian permanent resident Humanitarian visa holder New Zealand citizen None of the above (please fill in details below) If 'None of the above' selected, please fill in visa details. Are you on a Student Visa or will you require a Student Visa? * Yes No 5. LANGUAGE How well do you speak English on a scale of 1-10 * 1 = poorly 10 = very well Please Select 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6. INDIGENOUS STATUS Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander * Yes No 7. DISABILITY Do you have a disability, impairment or long term medical condition which may affect your studies? * Yes No If yes, please specify Are you a dependent child or spouse of a person in receipt of a disability support pension? Yes No 8. EMPLOYMENT Do you have any previous work experience? * Yes No Please indicate employment/welfare status: * Employed - Full Time Employed - Casual Unemployed (Not a Commonwealth Benefit Recipient) Commonwealth Benefit Recipient (please specify below) Person returning to work (employed for 6 months or less) Welfare details (if applicable) Age Pension Austudy Carer Payment Exceptional Circumstance Relief Payment Family Tax Benefit Part A - Maximum Rate Farm Household Allowance JobSeeker Payments Parenting Payment (Single) Sickness Allowance Special Benefit Veterans' Affairs Pensions Veterans' Children Education Scheme Widow Allowance Widow B Pension Wife Pension Youth Allowance Are you an Employment Service Provider client? Yes No If Yes, please provide the following Employment Service Provider Details - Employment Service Provider Organisation/ID - Employment Service Provider Client ID 9. HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION School Attended * Highest completed grade * Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 10. TERTIARY EDUCATION Have you previously studied at a tertiary level * Yes No If so, the highest qualification achieved since leaving school is: Foundation Skills Certificate I Certificate II Certificate III Certificate IV or higher Would you like to pursue any RPL or Credit Transfer? * Yes, I would like you to contact me regarding RPL or Credit Transfer. No RPL or Credit Transfer required for now. 11. UNIQUE STUDENT IDENTIFIER Do you have a unique student identifier (USI)? * Yes No Not sure If yes, please provide If no, please select Create one for me when I start I will create my own Not applicable 12. ENROLMENT DETAILS Job Ready Short Courses Bookkeeping with Xero (Day class) Business Administration Essentials (Day class) Payroll with Xero (Day class) Payroll with Xero (Night class) Full Qualifications (Starts in February) Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping Certificate IV in Business Certificate IV in Business Administration Diploma of Leadership and Management Start Date * Dates coincide with NSW school terms. Term 1, 2025 Have you undertaken any Smart and Skilled qualification this calendar year? * Yes No 13. STUDENT DECLARATION I declare that... * The information I have provided is true and accurate in every detail. 14. PARENT OR GUARDIAN DECLARATION (IF STUDENT IS UNDER 18 YRS) I declare that... The information I have provided is true and accurate in every detail. Name of Parent or Guardian (if applicant is under 18 yrs) First Name Last Name Relationship to Applicant Residential Address Email Contact Number Thank you! Don't forget to email your proof of identification (e.g. Medicare Card, Passport, Driver Licence, Birth Certificate) to or if you have the documents ready you can also upload them here upload Thank you!Thank you! Don't forget to email your proof of identification (e.g. Medicare Card, Passport, Driver Licence, Birth Certificate) to